International Headteacher
Population 36.5 million
Area 2.4 million sq km (919,595 sq miles)
Major languages Arabic, French, Berber
Major religion Islam
Life expectancy 72 years (men), 75 years (women)
Currency dinar
Area 2.4 million sq km (919,595 sq miles)
Major languages Arabic, French, Berber
Major religion Islam
Life expectancy 72 years (men), 75 years (women)
Currency dinar
Language in Algeria According to the census of 1966, Arabic is the language of 81% of Algeria's population; in addition to this, non-native speakers learn Arabic at school. In Algeria, as elsewhere, spoken Arabic differs very substantially from written Arabic; Algerian Arabic has a much-simplified vowel system, a substantially changed vocabulary with many new words and many words from Berber, Turkish, and French, and, like all Arabic dialects, has dropped the case endings of the written language. Within Algerian Arabic itself, there are significant local variations; Jijel Arabic, in particular, is noteworthy for its pronunciation of qaf as kaf and its profusion of Berber loanwords, and certain ports' dialects show influence from Andalusi Arabic brought by refugees from al-Andalus. Algerian Arabic is part of the Maghreb Arabic dialect continuum, and fades into Moroccan Arabic and Tunisian Arabic along the respective borders. In the Sahara, more conservative Bedouin dialects, grouped under the name Saharan Arabic, are spoken; in addition, the many Sahrawi refugees at Tindouf speak Hassaniya Arabic. Most Jews of Algeria once spoke dialects of Arabic specific to their community, collectively termed "Judeo-Arabic"; however, most came to speak French in the colonial period even before emigrating to France after independence. Algerian Culture and Society Islam
The Family
The Concept of Honour
Social Etiquette and Customs in Algeria Meeting & Greeting
Names and Titles
Gift Giving Etiquette Gift giving is a part of Algerian culture that is used to cement relationships. The gesture of giving is more important than the gift. In social settings some of these tips may come in handy:
Dining and Eating Etiquette Algerians love both hospitality and food. If you are invited to home consider it an honour. Remember your host will more than likely be a Muslim so there are some initial facts to be aware of:
Other tips include:
Watch your Table Manners!
Algerian Business Etiquette, Customs and Protocol The Relationship
Business Cards
Business Meetings
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